Fr - En

Opening speech

  • M. Etienne Coppieters - Conseiller Cellule COCOF-COCOM - Personnes Handicapées - Cabinet de Madame la Ministre Céline Fremault Ministre chargée de la Politique d’aide aux Personnes Handicapées - Bruxelles (B) -texte
  • Mme Christine Croisiaux - Ebis President Director of "La Braise" - Brussels (B)

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    Podcast (MP3)

Moderator : Dr Neil Brooks - EBIS Vice-President - Consultant neuropsychologist Rehab Without Walls - Milton Keynes (UK)

Testimonials by persons accompanied by Day care center and Cognitive rehabilitation center of La Braise.

  • La Braise - Brussels (B)

Testimonials by persons accompagnied by Service auprès TC.

  • Réseau TC AVC 59/62 (TBI Network)- Nord Pas de Calais (F)

    Podcast (MP3)

« Following the accident, what happens to the need to love and to be loved ?  »

  • Mr. Jean-Michel Longneaux - Philosopher - Professor at the University of Namur - Advisor in ethics for Health and Education Editor-in-chief of the Review Ethica-clinica (B)      

    Podcast (MP3)

Situation in France

« Sexual assistant in Europe: Care-giver therapist or delinquent ? »

  • Mr Emeric Guillermou  - President of the UNAFTC (National Union of Associations of Brain INjured Persons'Families) Lawyer of the Bars of Toulon and Paris (F)

    Powerpoint (PDF)

    Podcast (MP3)

Situation in Belgium

«  Legal and ethical aspects. »

  • Judge François-Joseph Warlet - President of the committee relating to the emotional and sexual life of handicapped people Vice-president of the Subregional Commission of AWIPH Brabant Wallon - Brussels (B)

    Podcast (MP3)

Situation in Great-Britain

« Sex workers- A service for people with brain injuries ? »

  • M. Alex Rook - Public Law Solicitor - Irwin Mitchell - London (UK)

    Powerpoint (PDF)

  • Dr. Janet Grace - Consultant Neuropsychiatrist - Walkergate Park Newcastle upon Tyne (UK)

    Powerpoint (PDF)

  • M. John Walker - Case manager - Rehab Without Walls - Milton Keynes UK)

    Powerpoint (PDF)

Podcast (MP3)

Moderator: Ms. Michèle Montreuil, Proffesor of clinical psychology University Paris 8 - Members of National Council of Universities (F)

Situation in Switzerland

« Affectivity and brain injury: institutional example in Romansh Switzeland. »

  • Ms Marie-Josée Zufferey - Social educator - Advisor in sexual and reproductive health, trained in the sexocorporal approach in sexology - Institution Valis de Coeur - Sion (Swiss Confederation)

    Powerpoint (PDF)

    Podcast (MP3)

Situation in Italy

« Anatomo-functional bases, biochemical and endocrinological of sexuo-relational behaviour and possible changes after a severe cerebral lesion. »

  • Dr. Anna Mazzucchi - Neurologist - Neuropsychologist Coordinator of Fondazione Don Gnocchi, Onlus (I)

Powerpoint (PDF)

Text (PDF)

« Sexuality and relation after asevere cerebral lesion: observations in an Italian population. »

  • Dr. Antonello D’Amato - Psychologist - Psychotherapist Sexologist - Rehabilitation Center for Severe Brain Injured Persons - Polo Ligure - Fondazione Don Gnocchi, Onlus (I)

    Podcast (MP3)

Situation in the netherlands

  • Dr. Wilbert G.M. Bakx - Senior consultant in rehabilitation medicines (NL)

Powerpoint (PDF)

Podcast (PDF)
